NW January PTR Announcement

The Amazon Games team is constantly working on the New World game to make it better and even more engaging. They are adding new features and content. Nowadays the team is preparing for the next release and inviting the game fans to take part in the Public Test Realm.


The Public Test Realm is a server-set that allows the players to try the upcoming game functionality. These are not final versions, rather they are preview builds. Players may test the feature for issues such as glitches, missing text, sound, etc., and report the bugs to the Amazon Game developers.

Although not all stuff reported by players in their feedbacks will be fixed immediately, every recommendation and feedback piece is important.

In order to make the feedback process feasible for every player, new characters will be allowed to immediately raise the level range and get equipped with proper items.

The servers are limited to one only in Central Europe and one in US East. They have opened on the 6th of January. If you want to participate as a preview client, download the “New World Public Test Realm” Steam app. You can find it in your Steam library if you play the main game.

After the test period expires, and the game content will be fixed and refreshed, all worlds will be closed. However, the PTR app will remain in your library until the next testing.

You may also report bugs or give your suggestions as to how to improve the game on subforum or by means of a feedback tool available in the game. The Amazon Games team appreciates every feedback and advice. Join The Public Test Realm and make your own contribution to the game development!

We also remind that everyone can buy NW coins at cheap price secure with fast delivery at our shop Gaming4EZ.com. Get the edge in the game!

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