Patch 5.57 Notes

A lot of new add-ons and improvements became available to the realm, some settings to Eden's Promise and Allagan tomestones of revelation.

Final Fantasy XIV

You can have access to Patch 5.57 content only after you register Final Fantasy XIV packs of expansion to your account. Use the notations to see if the modifications are influenced by the registration or not.

2.x  You need to pay for FINAL FANTASY XIV: A Realm Reborn and Heavensward to have the type of add-ons and improvements.

4.x  You need to buy and register FINAL FANTASY XIV: Stormblood to have the type of add-ons and improvements.

5.x  You need to buy and register FINAL FANTASY XIV: Shadowbringers to have the type of add-ons and improvements.

2.x 4.x 5.x   In order to receive the type of add-ons and improvements you need to buy and register all the above mentioned expansion packs.


Battle System


See the following improvements which have been applied to Eden's Promise (Savage):

  • Two treasure coffers are now always available, and there is no weekly restriction on the number of rewards a player can get from coffers.

  • The restrictions on weekly entrance yo Eden's Promise were removed.

  • Gamers can now move directly to any part of Eden's Promise.

  • Power of Echo is available to players when they come into Savage raids. This can grow max HP and healing ability by 10%.


Improvements which were done to Duty Roulette: Alliance Raids:

  • The Tower at Paradigm's Breach


Improvements which were done to southern front of the Bozjan:

  • The list of rewards for "No Camping Allowed" and "Brought to Heal" completion was replenished by Field Notes on Dyunbu.

  • When the hostages are released in "The Battle of Castrum Lacus Litore" the treasure chests appear. Now one can find more forgotten fragments in them.

  • The amount of bravery was increased.


They reduced the quantity of Bozjan clusters which are needed for exchanging for the Forgotten Fragment of Clarity, Finesse, Divinity, Contention, Fortitude from 3 to 1.


They increased the quantity of artifacts which are got after finishing Delubrum Reginae from 1 to 3.


Fran Eruyt`s Field Record was improved.


The limit for weekly tomestones of revelation were doubled.

*The max store of 2,000 tomestones has remained unchanged.



Gamers are now able to log in on another world with “Visit Another World Server” option which was included to subcommand menu.

patch system

Use the option when you cannot log into Home World. There are restrictions to utilizing the option:

  • A gamer cannot choose a destination world with the option. A world with free space is selected automatically.

  • Gamers can log in at the starting city aetheryte.

  • When the player logs out, the feature is not valid.


Lodestone Character Profile page will show the confirmation of quest completion.

*The page will include the done quests with the date of completion.

*The history will be stored in Lodestone, with new Patch 5.5 release.

*The info "My Quests" is hidden from other users.

Resolved Issues

The mentioned below issues which did not display correctly has been resolved:

  • The Bozjan southern front in which the the NPC was in the "Beast of Man" duel;

  • In Zador in which the NPC Yamatsumi the Harbinger and in he duel "Taking the Lyon's Share";

  • With the Flower Shower emote when it was used by female Roegadyn and Elezen and Hrothgar;

  • With riding the deinonychus mount;

  • With sound, music and text.

Other various issues have also been addressed.

Known Issues

  • The text in the Field Record entry of Fran Eruyt was not fixed.

  • When the gamer wants to change the language of display on the player`s bar, it makes the client freeze on a loading screen.

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