It is high time to leave the Dark Portal and enter Outland realm.
Get ready for it with our Burning Crusade Classic instructions.
Choose either you want to be a blood elf and join the Horde or fight as draenei for the Alliance.
Gamers will try an updated Honor system with Burning Crusade Classic. Find out how to receive gear and see that ranking differs from WoW Classic in our summary. [Find out more]
Enter the Dark Portal again by considering the most important Warcraft events that made Azeroth’s armies walking into Outland. [Find out more]
The players have a chance to leave the Dark Portal in order to encounter Burning Legion fel forces, but you don't need to do it alone. There are the best resources collected from the community which can be helpful. [Find out more]
Due to pre-expansion update, gamers are able to choose whether they want to go on playing WoW Classic or start Burning Crusade Classic. [Find out more]
You can grow your experience with Burning Crusade Classic. Try Dark Portal Pass and Deluxe Edition now. [Find out more]