Path Of Exile Leagues

Path Of Exile Leagues

What is a league in Path of Exile

POE league means the world in which the character is having adventures. The hero can be only in one league and isn't able to link with characters from another world. Each league incorporates a group of gamers and has specific rules of playing. There is the Standard Path of Exile League which offers typical rules for gamers. It is a good idea to start your game adventure with it, in order to understand the concept of the game and get familiar with the story of it. Standard league is also suitable for players who are not heavily engaged in the game and play from time to time at their own steady pace.

Permanent Path of Exile leagues

Standard league belongs to Permanent POE Leagues which in comparison to Temporary ones constantly continue and are not limited in duration.

Besides for Standard which features no modifiers, the list of Permanent Leagues also includes Hardcore variation with a hardcore modifier. This determines the character who dies, to Standard League. Hardcore is very similar to the one in other RPGs, however, in POE items and heroes are not deleted from the game by default.

A gamer can also choose to play Solo Self-Found variation of either Standard or Hardcore Temporary Path of Exile Leagues. The variation does not allow a character to bind with others, which means no possibility to perform trades or have parties. They can also have access to Solo Self-Found league stash and no access to guild stash. The characters can make use solely of the objects which they find on their own. If a gamer would like to choose an SSF variation, they should put a tick in the checkbox in the selection menu. They will receive a flag which will identify that the character is having Solo Self-Found status. The flag can be taken away any time. Characters which participate in some specific races like Descent are transferred to Void POE League. Afterwards they can be either removed or remain as a Trophy.

Temporary leagues

Temporary Path of Exile Leagues are the ones which have a specified time limit. As a rule, it can be from a dozen minutes to four months. They feature some mods or rules which are not used in Permanent POE League. In case a Temporary League finishes, the character is not terminated but moved to Permanent one.

The Temporary POE League list consists of Challenge and Race Ones.

Challenge leagues

Challenge leagues take place every 3-4 months. Players accept challenges and when they complete them, they get a special symbol which identifies the achievement. The symbol can be seen near a username. Every Challenge League has its own rules and characteristics. Each time a gamer makes a new character and starts their adventures from the very beginning without any previous background. When the league finishes a character will be moved to Standard POE league.

Race leagues

Race Leagues are also temporary events. They are built for only one race. Race events are characterised by their own stash, an inventory which is available for all characters from the league. The objective of the Race League is to give POE gamers an opportunity to show their skills, to compete and win prizes. It allows them to gain necessary experience for further POE adventures. Some races have specific mods, for instance, increase movement speed or monster damage, etc. When a race finishes, all the inventory items are transferred to Void or Hardcore League. But if there are no empty tabs in the Parent League, the inventory can be put in remove-only tabs

How to change Path of Exile league? Is it possible?

Unfortunately, it is impossible to rotate characters from one league to another "on demand" in the Path of Exile game. It means that if a gamer wants to play in another league or join their friends` game, they should make a new character or ask friends to create ones in their league.

But according to the rules of some POE leagues, it is possible to transfer a character to another league. The usual case is when a character dies in a Hardcore League or if Challenge League season comes to the end.

Private leagues

If a POE player is looking for some extraordinary game experience, they can try a Private League. It is a paid, made to order game opportunity. It also enables having extra modifiers for more fascinating adventures. Private League can be created on the basis of ongoing Challenge or Permanent League. It is also possible to move all the properties of the league on which the Private league is based. However, one can add additional mods for instance disabled stash or vendors, larger statistics of monsters, no opportunities to refill flasks in a town. Extra time and gamer slots can be bought for points, other gamers can also participate in making the purchase.

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